I Shall Seal the Heavens

I Shall Seal the Heavens

Ep 7: In which we are terrified of a Bashful Smile

Show notes

This week, our intrepid hosts: explain to Seth again that Dao doesn't necessarily just mean "the Way"; discover a new species called Hangy Boys; learn that mean nicknames are a sign of love; chart genealogy using poultry; expose a most embarrassing laugh by explaining how truly shameless Meng Hao is; share the history of a local landmark; recall the bashful smile that conned so very many; relay the powers of a seriously broken item; review the Grand Opening of Meng Hao's unlicensed Pillvillion© outlet; remark upon Meng Hao's incredibly brief hiatus as a murder ocean; and reveal that nobody knows anything and everyone is full of shit (ESPECIALLY Meng Hao).

Read the link Seth should about Dao

Read I Shall Seal The Heavens

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Richard Curtis-Smith

Richard Curtis-Smith

A man with a computer, a mic and some time between shifts.

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Jonathan Kinney

Jonathan Kinney

Jonathan is a graduate from Louisiana State University with a B.S. in Economics. He grew up reading books, playing games, and watching TV.

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Bill Gremillion

Bill Gremillion

Bill is a living masterpiece. Bill is the human equivalent of winning. Fortune is a groupie for Bill. Steadfast and unyielding, Bill ventures forth into podcasting. You're welcome.

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Seth Thompson

Seth Thompson

What do you need to know about Seth? Hmm... he's hitchhiked across the country a few times, he lives in the mountains and his beard reflects that, and he's a big fan of bergamot. Any citrus, really.

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